First, it was civil unions, and we were told they weren’t asking for anything else. Then it was same-sex marriage, and we were told it was wrong to stand in the way of love. Now they tell us it’s good for kids to dance on stage in sexually explicit costumes for an adult audience. They argue it’s good for confused children. Then mainstream media works the marketing campaign and attempts to silence dissent.
The adults who would like to know small children in the biblical sense are emboldened. They also claim it’s good for the kids, and we aren’t in a position to judge who they love, and we’re interfering with their happiness. I didn't know happiness was a God-given right. It’s mentioned in one founding document, but not the one enumerating individual rights.
We live in a day when you can have a dozen children outside marriage (though, you’re encouraged to kill them before birth) and your neighbors will shoulder the cost. The traditional view was that marriage was mainly to ensure the little ones had a good home, clean clothes, and food on the table. Happiness and love aren’t permanent. Emotions wax and wane. Marriage wasn’t as much about romance. Instead, it was designed to stabilize homes.
As we focus on selfish desires, kids are dying from the latest drug epidemic. Test scores are always depressing, and millions couldn’t tell you the date of the War of 1812 or who is buried in Grant’s Tomb.
If you want stronger families, better test scores, and kids free of drugs and peer pressure, then polygamy is a better option than any of the current fads. If a guy had the money to support several wives and two dozen kids, how would that be any worse than many of the modern alternatives? If you’re still opposed, then let’s use the arguments made by liberals and newspaper editors. If polygamists are in love, and it makes them happy, then who am I to judge?