Osseo School District provides construction projects update | Local News | hometownsource.com

2022-07-29 20:46:09 By : Mr. Lucas J

With the school year soon approaching, community members will begin to notice construction changes that have been made around the district. At the July 19 Osseo School Board meeting, Dale Carlstrom, director of facilities and transportation operations, gave an update on the construction projects from school year 2021-22 to 2023-24.

The 2021-22 construction projects, totaling $23 million, are all completed. They include a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing renovation at Osseo Senior High, renovations at Birch Grove and Fair Oaks Elementary Schools, new turf and scoreboard at Maple Grove Senior High’s stadium, and Osseo Senior High tennis court replacement.

Other improvements made include miscellaneous paving, roofing, flooring, and lighting, which Carlstrom said touched a majority of sites.

For the 2022-23 construction phase, a budget of $24.7 million, Carlstrom expects many of these summer projects to be completed by the time school starts. Major projects include another renovation at Osseo Senior High, as well as new turf, field lighting, visitor bleachers, and scoreboard at Osseo’s stadium, work at Palmer Lake Elementary, and new air handling unit replacement at Rice Lake and Elm Creek Elementary Schools.

Construction on a new locker room and team room at Park Center Senior High will start in February and work through next spring and summer until completion.

Other miscellaneous items in the next year feature a roof replacement at Park Center Senior High, exterior wall restoration at Brooklyn Middle School and Willow Lane and Arbor View Early Childhood Centers, playground replacements at Fair Oaks, Basswood, and Park Brook Elementary Schools, flooring replacement at Maple Grove Senior High, as well as district-wide paving and painting.

For the 2023-24 year, with a budget of $25.4 million, new projects will be set to start in the summer. They include another renovation at Palmer Lake, phase two of Park Center’s locker room and team room project, renovations to restrooms and mechanical systems at Cedar Island Elementary, a multi-year project at Brooklyn Middle School, and new restrooms at Rice Lake and Elm Creek Elementary Schools. There will also be new home bleachers, press boxes, and restoration of concession stands and storage buildings at the Osseo Senior High stadium, new artificial turf and press box at Park Center’s stadium, and press box renovations at Maple Grove’s stadium.

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