How to Clean Your Burr Coffee Grinder - The New York Times

2022-07-29 20:49:37 By : Mr. Jeff Lu

If you’ve taken Wirecutter’s advice to invest in a good burr coffee grinder, you have to clean it properly. It’s not as simple as brushing out the loose grinds.

Here’s how to clean your grinder so it gives you good-tasting, consistently ground coffee for decades →

Run the grinder until it is completely empty of any lingering specks. Give it a gentle tap to get all the grinds out of the machine. Then measure out about ¼ cup of grinder cleaning tablets (pellets made of edible grains that bind with coffee oils) and ¼ cup of coffee beans.

Run the cleaning tablets through the grinder until it’s completely empty. Then run all the coffee through the grinder on the same setting. Use the barely damp side of a rag to wipe out any yellow tablet specks from the hopper, bin, and body of your machine. Then use the dry side of the rag to dry it.

Unplug the grinder. Following your model’s instructions, remove the top half of the burr. Use a clean, soft toothbrush or the grinder brush that came with your machine to brush the tines of your burrs and remove the coffee caked inside.

Be careful not to press or wipe the very sharp burrs with your fingers. Work over a sheet pan or paper for easier cleanup. This should take just a few minutes of focused brushing until no more little coffee bits fall to the paper or counter.

Now brush the half of the burr that’s still in the machine in the same manner. Use compressed air, an air blower, or a handheld vacuum to remove any coffee bits still in the machine. Follow instructions to put everything back together and replace the burr properly.

Read more cleaning advice at Wirecutter

After a few cups, you may have found yourself asking: Is coffee good for me? The answer is yes, but it depends on a few factors.

There are other health benefits, too. Drinking coffee has been linked to a lower risk of dying and of various ailments, including Parkinson’s and melanoma.

For many people, coffee quickly and reliably jump-starts gut activity and an urgent need to poop — but it’s not clear why.

Whether you’re a cold-brew connoisseur or you just want a basic cup o’ joe, Wirecutter has the best coffee makers and recommends these eight coffee subscriptions to keep you at peak caffeination.